Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A Shortcut to Heaven??

Our note today is intended for our non-Muslim audience worldwide. It is important for a Muslim to remind fellow Muslims as well as to remind fellow non Muslims, in Malaysia and elsewhere under God's earth, about Islam and what Islam can do for us. The Jews were given the Torah (i.e. Taurat) and was guided by Prophet Moses (i.e. Musa (a.s)) to believe in the oneness of God, Allah (a.w) and they were also subsequently guided by no less than 600 apostles after Musa (a.s) to keep them guided under the guidance of the Taurat. But, only a small group of Jews remained steadfast to the teachings of Musa (a.s) and the guidance of the Turat when Muhammad (s.a.w) was appointed Prophets. Rasulallah (s.a.w) mentioned in the as-Sunnah that the Jews became divided into 72 sects when Islam was revealed, and not even one such sect retained the teaching of Musa (a.s) dan the guidance of the Taurat!
Similarly, when Jesus (i.e. Isa (a.s)) was appointed the Apostle of Allah (a.w), the Jews refused to accept Isa (a.s) because their religious leaders convince their followers that Isa (a.s) being born without a father was son of sinner! May Allah (a.w) send them to Hell. Therefore, although Isa (a.s) was to guide the Jews after the expiry of the teaching of Musa (a.s) and after the Taurat was superceded by the Gospel (i.e. Injil), they refuse to acknowledge the teaching of Isa (a.s) and instead remained hooked to their jaundice understanding of God and God's religion, and their religions no longer represents the teaching of Musa (a.s) and the Guidance of the Taurat.
The Christians, on the other hand, was overzealous by believing not only in Isa (a.s) and the Injil, which was Allah's guidance to Isa's followers, they went too far in their belief. They, the Christians, because of their religious leaders, take Isa (a.s), being born without a father and being endowed with superhuman powers and traits, as the Son of God. Allah (a.w) will never forgive those who ascribed Isa (a.s) as the Son of God!
At the time of the coming of Islam and the appointment of Muhammad (s.a.w) as the lastApostle of Allah (a.w), the knowledgeable among the Christians had already made changes to the contents of The Injil to become what is now said as The Bible or The Gospel or The New Testaments or other names in reference to the modified Injil. The Christians was also divisive into 72 odd sects off of whom none was adhering to the true teaching of The Injil and the teaching of Isa (a.s).
However, Allah (a.w) informed the Jews (followers of Musa (a.s) and The Taurat) both in The Taurat and the Christians (the followers of Isa (a.s) and The Injil) in The Injil that Allah (a.w) will send the Last Apostle by the name of Ahmad or Mumammad to lead the world and its population in glorifying Allah (a.w) as the One and Only God for man and jinn and that Allah's religion which perfected those commands in The Taurat and The Injil, The al-Quran. Accordingly, those who follow Muhammad (s.a.w) and follow the al-Quran, notwithstanding whether they were Jews who follow The Turat and Christians who follow The Injil or those among the Jews and the Christians who had followed the modified Books of Allah (a.w) by whatever name they called it, are assured of the Heaven and saved from Hell. Those who reject the al-Quran and refused to acknowledge the Prophethood of Muhammad (s.a.w), and those who follow other man-made or man-created religion like Buddha, Confucianism, etc will not be admitted into the Heaven but instead will be thrown into Hell. Why? These religions belief in the existence of many gods contrary to the existence of only one God, Allah (a.w).
Hence, the shortcut way to Heaven for humanity, either the Muslims or the non-Muslims are the same, namely they must belief in Islam, accept the teaching of Muhammad (s.a.w) and follow the Guidance of the al-Quran. It is as simple as that.
Allah (a.w) says in the al-Quran, Verse 13 of Surah an-Nisa', that 'Whoever obey Allah (a.w) (i.e. abide by the al-Quran) and obey the Prophet (i.e. Muhammad (s.a.w)) (i.e. abide by the teachings of as-Sunnah of Muhammad (s.a.w) ), will enter Heaven. And, Allah (a.w) says in Verse 14 of the Surah an-Nisa', that 'Whoever disobey Allah (a.w) and disobey the Prophet (i.e. Muhammad (s.a.w) and those who transgress limits (ie. those actions forbidden) by Allah (a.w) and the Prophet, will enter Hell. And, Allah (a.w) further assured us in Verse 80 of Surah an-Nisa' that: 'Whoever obey the Prophet (i.e. Muhammad (s.a.w)) he/she obey Allah (a.w)'. Meaning the Prophet's command and the commands of Allah (a.w) are synonymous. Hence, the shortcut to Heaven and the success in avoiding hellfire is to follow strictly Verse 13 and 14 and 80 of Surah an-Nisa'. There is no other road to Heaven!
Further, those who aspire to go to Heaven should note that Allah (a.w) only accept Islam as His religion (verse 19, Surah ali-Imran). Allah (a.w) also remind mankind that whoever seek as their religion other than Islam, all the good deeds that he/she has done for the good welfare of mankind in his/her lifetime, is of no use, because Allah (a.w) will not acknowledge and will never be accounted for his/her welfare in the Hereafter (Verse 85, Surah ali-Imran). Allah (a.w) further say that: Whoever refuse to accept Allah (a.w) as their God and Muhammad (s.a.w) as Allah (a.w) sent apostle and died not being in Islam, he/she will be thrown into Hellfire, and even if he/she has wealth equivalent to the whole world (and double it) to bribe Allah (a.w) so that he/she could enter Heaven, will not be accepted of him/her' (Verse 91, Surah ali-Imran). Further, Allah (a.w) reminded non-Muslims: 'Whoever refuse to accept the al-Quran, he/she could only enter Heaven if it is possible for an elephant to go thru the eye of a needle! (Verse 40, Surah al-A'raf). Hence, you get Heaven if and only if you are a Muslim!
For the Muslims, the shortcut to Heaven and safe from Hell, you must strictly follow the commands in both the al-Quran and the as-Sunnah in submitting to Allah (a.w). They must obey Allah (a.w) and Muhammad (s.a.w) to the letter (Verse 13, Surah an-Nisa') and the must avoid the don'ts (Verse 14, Surah an-Nisa') and by obeying Muhammad (s.a.w), the Muslim obey Allah (a.w) (verse 80, Surah an-Nisa'). But the Muslim are reminded by Allah (a.w): 'Whoever is a believer in Islam, do not die unless you die as a Muslim'. And that, as a Muslim he/she must follow to the letter Allah's command in verse 7, Surah al-Hasyr, i.e. accept and follow the as-Sunnah to the letter and do not make any innovations or changes to Allah's command (in the al-Quran) and Muhammad's commands (in the as-Sunnah). If the Muslim do that, he/she unkonwingly is rejected by Allah (a.w) as a Muslim! He/she seemingly or believe that he/she is a Muslim, but in actual fact or in reality, he/she is expelled from Islam!
This post is a reminder to Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Hope readers take note and be aware that you may appear a Muslim but in reality in terms of the al-Quran and as-Sunnah, you are not. We will examine this aspect or perspective more later, insya Allah.

Jazakallahu khairah

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